Tuesday, August 23, 2016

ResWebDev #2


Do you really know what an API (Application Programming Interface) stands for? Are you sure? If not, definitely check this article! You will learn that it is possible to describe the concept of API from different perspectives. The word Application its name can refer to various things. It can be a piece of software with a distinct function or the whole server, the whole app, or just a small part of an app. In this article you will find very understandable explanation of API. It is one of the best that I have ever read.

(Dan Abramov) 

This article is from the creator of Redux library Dan Abramov. He describes division of components that underlies the logic behind using React with Redux. This approach lets you make such apps much more understandable and readable. The author divides components into two categories: container components and presentational components. Each of them has specific attributes.
Presentational components focus simply on how things work. This means that they are primarily represented by a markup. They don’t manipulate data in any way; they only reads them from props. Container components are on the other hand concerned with how things work. They update the state and fetch data. Moreover, they are connected to Redux and enable you to use Redux state in the components.

Conquer Legacy Code
(Bill Sourour)

Sooner or later you will be probably working with the so-called legacy code - the code that was written a long time ago often by those who are not around anymore. That means you must understand it on your own to be able to work with it (improve or change it). The author claims that you should respect the legacy code. That means to understand why it is written the way it is in the first place. You should avoid immediate judgments like 'This code sucks. I can re-write it better way'. You should try to fix only the real problems that need to be fixed. The more code you change, the bigger is the probability that the application will eventually break.

Don’t want to get hacked? Close your laptop
(Chet Corcos)

The point of this article is to stress the importance of your computer's security. It shows how it is easy to hack someone's computer. You will need only 50 lines of code to do that. And you will learn what different things you can do when you hack a computer. 
What? Are you saying that you don't want to let anyone to hack your laptop? So then just make sure that your computer is locked when you are not around. You can use this guide to give a lesson to your friend who is forgetting to lock his computer :) However, the main point of this article is to keep in mind how vulnerable your computer is if you are not careful.

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